As a Design Intern for Jeff Jackson’s Campaign for US Senate, I drafted designs for the online store. Here are some of my favorites from the campaign.

Growing up in North Carolina, one of the worst states for gerrymandering, has always made voting rights a top issue for me.


Above are a series of voting rights patterns and designs that were intended for merchandise such as mugs, tote bags, t-shirts, and more.

Jeff’s College Tour

The Jackson campaign was intent on building support by visiting every county and traveling the state. Part of this effort included town halls at all of the state’s major universities. To aid the visuals for this effort, I developed a brand for the campaign, highlighted by these seal designs. They were used on promotional materials for the town halls.

T-Shirt Design

Below is a t-shirt design of Jeff speaking that captures the all-county speaking affair that was the campaign.

Pride Stickers.

The last project I worked on for the campaign was pride designs. These combined the campaign brand with a rainbow gradient.


Durham County "I Voted" Sticker Contest Winner